
Thursday, April 20, 2017

Diabetic Perspective

I'm sure most of you have heard about the new Unicorn Frappucino; it has caused quite the uproar in my community.  I have seen many comments and posts about this beverage and its sugar content.  People are continually sharing memes and making comments about how this beverage will cause diabetes. Here are a few examples I have seen:

First, there are two types of diabetes:  Type 1, which is an immune disorder that causes the body to actually attacks itself and inflame the pancreas; this is what Kyli has. There is also Type 2, which develops for many different reasons: a lazy pancreas, weight gain, obesity, and a poor diet, but there are also people that develop this after battling cancer, because their treatment impacted their pancreas.  I am tired of the word "Diabetes" being used so carelessly.  Every time Kyli hears someone make a comment in public about diabetes,  she asks me if she caused her disease. These words scar her, and I have to perform damage control.  She has enough to battle. There is so much judgement placed on those with Type 2 diabetes that they don't need to have to deal with uneducated and hurtful remarks as well.  We ALL splurge sometimes, and enjoy ridiculous treats!  Granted, some of us do so more than others, but judgement isn't necessary. 

I have never seen a meme about bringing about your own cancer by eating processed food, or causing your own Alzheimer's because you drink from aluminum cans. Why? Because people understand it is disrespectful and rude.  Guess what, so are the diabetes remarks.  We live this disease everyday 24/7, no vacations, middle of the night blood sugar checks EVERY NIGHT, with many scary moments thanks to sugar highs and sugar lows.  My daughter could die if we do not catch a sugar low! Yes... she could DIE!  She will live with this disease the rest of her life. She will go through hell trying to manage it while going through puberty and possibly pregnancy, because the hormones those events produce cause this disease to be next to uncontrollable  The thing is, she doesn't have a choice. 

Finally, being a part of this community, I do not hold a grudge with those who have made these posts, because people don't know what they don't know, but I hope this post may cause someone to pause and think about the impact their uninformed comments may have on others around them. Please stop with the dirty diabetes comments... they are not funny.  

Hollywood Studios- This was the reality of our vacation: sugar lows during the day, and lack of sleep from more sugar lows at night.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

What Should the Meme Say?

I took this photo awhile ago and it continues too make me laugh...He is a funny little guy.

That being said, I need to create it into a meme, what should it say?  Pass it around, let's what the best line is!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Where Did the Time Go?

Randomly today, I thought of my little blog spot and decided to come back and look at it.  I could not believe that the last time I posted was that long ago!! I will say though, I was very broken during that time and then super busy the rest.

So here we are, a family of 5 and a heavenly baby too.  We have Mike, Heather, Noah (10), Kyli (7), and Logan (20 months).  We are beyond blessed with this bunch! Noah is super smart and one of the most loyal kiddos to his family!  He will help me with anything I ask him with little to usually no complaints at all.  He will gladly help me clean the house and has been asking to learn each of the steps to wash, dry, fold laundry-  he is an amazing catch!! Kyli is my sweet and sassy.  She loves her baby brother and wants him to love her and spend time doing what she wants.  That is their newest battle is that she wants him to do what she wants...we all know how that goes.  She is very thoughtful and social. She puts me in awe with how easily and happily she makes new friends wherever she goes. Now we have Logan, the newest to the bunch.  This little boy has me wrapped around his finger.  He is the sweetest little thing to his Mama!  He grabs my face and pulls me in for kisses on a daily basis!! He has the sweetest smiles and it learning humor.  His laughs are so stinking adorable. This kiddo though, his speeds are sleep and run, there is not anything in between. He keeps me on my toes!!! He also is completely AWFUL at chewing food up and at least once a day he chokes.  Logan is easily the final piece to our family puzzle.  He brings us all together.  I am so thankful for them all.

Here is a picture of our bunch!  This was our first major vacation and it was such an amazing trip!!  I am pretty sure we all would gladly live in Florida, if we could be on vacation everyday!! We were gone 10 days and nobody wanted it to end.  It was such great family time and I saw love on this vacation that I normally do not see at home.  So awesome! I cannot wait for our next adventure!