
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sugar Scare

Today started off as any normal day, we ha a birthday party today and Kyli had a cupcake.  We went to church this evening and then came home.  With Kyli having a higher risk of diabetes, we check her sugars every other week.  Well today was the day, we got home and I have noticed she was fuller diapers, which is  a concern for me, symptom. So we sat her down, she helped and and picked which finger to do.  340- AHHHHH! So Mike went and washed her hands, and we tried again 222...I was going wait, think.  Has she had anything since the party....oh yes!  Clif bar!! Oh, so we waited another hour, for it to be 2 hrs and tad ah 134!  Let me tell you, while I know the symptoms and what her sugars should be, I was the most scared I have been in a long time.  My brain kind of shut down and I had to stop and think.  My worst nightmare was right in my face, and luckily I can say, false alarm.  On a side note, I can say that I handled it quite well and hopefully we will never experience a high blood sugar again.
I just do no want to imagine Kyli as a diabetic. Also,Kyli, Noah, Mike and I are participating in the Juvenile Diabetes Walk this year.  We are looking for people to walk on our team and for donations, please let me know if you are interested.  This quite a cause, it is close to my heart for two reasons, one Kyli has a 1 in 50 chance of becoming diabetic and two, my Mom is a juvenile diabetic and has survived so much, including a kidney transplant. While juvenile diabetes is more manageable than it used to be,there are still so many toll that is takes on the person, this foundation is working on so many things to help these people and find a way to stop diabetes. No more scares Miss Kyli Marie!


Putt Putt

This pass weekend Noah, Kyli and I had an awesome Sunday with our church.  They were raising money for a mission that is planned for this summer. My Mom and my sister was a blast!  This was Noah's third or fourth visit, we try to go at least once each summer with him.  This was Kyli's second visit but her first time playing...she got a hole in one.  Go figure! Kyli's version was a little different than everyone else, she would let me help her putt the first time for each round and then grab the ball and throw it in the hole, while this sounds easy, it took her a few tries sometimes. I was on my toes the whole time, but man it was fun!! Can't wait to do it again...

Kyli's hole in one photo- Noah snuck in:) 

The golfers

 Taking a break, enjoying the view

My little putter pro