
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Lifestyle Changes

I don't know about anyone else, but there are times in my life when I know what I want to be doing, what I should be doing, and what I am doing.  Well, I am currently trying to get those three things to all be the same, I would just like to add that this is harder to do than say.

I recently looked at what I was doing:
  • Drinking at least one bottle of pop a day
  • Eating candy like it was going to disappear
  • Eating LOTS of fast food
  • Not eating much for fruits and veggies
  • Not drinking water
  • No exercise
And I realized I did not like what I was doing to my body.  My yearly physical also helped me to see that what I was doing, was not good for me. My HDLs and LDLs were not where they should be and my Vitamin D was extremely low.  Well, physical activity and nutrition can help the LDLs and HDLs, because my Vitamin D was so low, they put me on a super pill of the that. 

The Vitamin D Rx has definitely helped and the energy I received from it, help me start getting myself where I wanted to be.  I finally had energy to start working out again!!! I have set a goal to run the half marathon Rock and Roll in Sept.  I have started with the exercise plan Couch to 5K, it has been awesome!!! I have about 2.5 wks left, I am then going to work up to the half...I feel so much better!!! As, I have progressed in distance, and become more comfortable with the workout, I have started to change my eating habits, the first thing to change, cold turkey, no more pop!!! I have been without pop for about 2 wks, except for a few sips at the movie theater with my sister, we shared a drink...It has been easier than I thought it would be.  I think part of it was mind over matter... Plus, because I stopped drinking pop, I now drink lots of water and some tea instead.  Big improvement!!

With that change set, I decided it was time to change some eating habits...I now make it a point to eat a yogurt and some kind of whole grain for breakfast.  My big change is lunch.  I have committed to getting a veggie in at lunch. Lately, I have been eating a cheese stick, some kind of meat, whole grain crackers and a veggie.  It is a great change from fast food or frozen food...It may not be the best lunch, but it is better than what I was doing.  I am also doing better for snacks, I have almonds that I snack on now, rather than sugary junk food all day.

The downfall I am having right now, I still want candy!  I have some at my desk at work and I will eat a few.  This is going to be my next goal, however, if anyone knows my upbringing you will understand that this will be my hardest challenge....I am not really sure how to stop or limit my intake more, if you have any suggestions, I am open.  And when should I feel guilty, after one piece, two, and handful?  I also wanted to see what others eat in a day.  I know what the food chart says and such, but in the environment we have, it seems that candy and sugar are readily available, so how much candy or sweets do you guys eat each day?  Should I be ashamed for my wants? 

Anyway, since I have stopped drinking pop, I originally noticed a lull in my energy, however, now I am noticing more energy than when I was inhaling it.  Anyone else?  We have also stopped with the fast food and eating out.  We have cut it down quite a bit and now it is once a week or less.  This is awesome on so many reasons and I am quite proud of us.  It is so much easier to just say "Screw it.  Let's go get something."  We are making efforts to ensure we eat at home. So, if anyone has quick healthier dinner ideas, please throw them my way. 

This seems like blathering now that I am looking at it, but I am proud to say that in the past 2 weeks with the eating adjustments, I have lost almost 4 lbs... I am excited to see where this newer path takes me...

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