
Friday, June 15, 2012

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sugar Scare

Today started off as any normal day, we ha a birthday party today and Kyli had a cupcake.  We went to church this evening and then came home.  With Kyli having a higher risk of diabetes, we check her sugars every other week.  Well today was the day, we got home and I have noticed she was fuller diapers, which is  a concern for me, symptom. So we sat her down, she helped and and picked which finger to do.  340- AHHHHH! So Mike went and washed her hands, and we tried again 222...I was going wait, think.  Has she had anything since the party....oh yes!  Clif bar!! Oh, so we waited another hour, for it to be 2 hrs and tad ah 134!  Let me tell you, while I know the symptoms and what her sugars should be, I was the most scared I have been in a long time.  My brain kind of shut down and I had to stop and think.  My worst nightmare was right in my face, and luckily I can say, false alarm.  On a side note, I can say that I handled it quite well and hopefully we will never experience a high blood sugar again.
I just do no want to imagine Kyli as a diabetic. Also,Kyli, Noah, Mike and I are participating in the Juvenile Diabetes Walk this year.  We are looking for people to walk on our team and for donations, please let me know if you are interested.  This quite a cause, it is close to my heart for two reasons, one Kyli has a 1 in 50 chance of becoming diabetic and two, my Mom is a juvenile diabetic and has survived so much, including a kidney transplant. While juvenile diabetes is more manageable than it used to be,there are still so many toll that is takes on the person, this foundation is working on so many things to help these people and find a way to stop diabetes. No more scares Miss Kyli Marie!


Putt Putt

This pass weekend Noah, Kyli and I had an awesome Sunday with our church.  They were raising money for a mission that is planned for this summer. My Mom and my sister was a blast!  This was Noah's third or fourth visit, we try to go at least once each summer with him.  This was Kyli's second visit but her first time playing...she got a hole in one.  Go figure! Kyli's version was a little different than everyone else, she would let me help her putt the first time for each round and then grab the ball and throw it in the hole, while this sounds easy, it took her a few tries sometimes. I was on my toes the whole time, but man it was fun!! Can't wait to do it again...

Kyli's hole in one photo- Noah snuck in:) 

The golfers

 Taking a break, enjoying the view

My little putter pro

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Connecting with Him

In the past year, I have started working on my relationship with God.  It has been more difficult than I have thought it would be and easier than I thought it would be...Since Renee passed away, Mike and I have made more of an effort to attend church, especially since Noah is questioning Heaven and God more and more. He is such a smart boy. 

So, we have been attending church, not as regularly as I would like, but we are getting there.  Our schedules get so chaotic, but I need to remind myself, we need to make time for Him. I try and and talk to Him each day, if for anything, to thank Him for my day and family. 

Here is where my trouble lies, I attend church and I listen, but I want more.  I went to church when I was little every weekend up until I was about 8, after that we just stopped going.  I read stories but that stopped too after that.  I feel ignorant, I want to understand the history of God and Jesus, however, I do not know where to start without feeling overwhelmed.  Bibles with there super thin paper and the verbiage sometimes makes me feel like I am reading French.  I want to grasp the significance of each person and the trials and tribulations that occurred.  Any suggestions? I want such a wonderful relationship with God, but I do not know how that can happen when I don't feel like I know all his history.  What happened to him, what he did, what people did to him.  How can I love Him for all he is worth when I do not know him that way?

I would like to mention that even though I do not know his whole story, when we are at church and I am listening, I have never felt a greater closeness and peace then in that moment.  I open my heart, and give my love.  I get goosebumps at every service. To think of all that occurred is just breathtaking. It is so selfless and loving.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Lifestyle Changes

I don't know about anyone else, but there are times in my life when I know what I want to be doing, what I should be doing, and what I am doing.  Well, I am currently trying to get those three things to all be the same, I would just like to add that this is harder to do than say.

I recently looked at what I was doing:
  • Drinking at least one bottle of pop a day
  • Eating candy like it was going to disappear
  • Eating LOTS of fast food
  • Not eating much for fruits and veggies
  • Not drinking water
  • No exercise
And I realized I did not like what I was doing to my body.  My yearly physical also helped me to see that what I was doing, was not good for me. My HDLs and LDLs were not where they should be and my Vitamin D was extremely low.  Well, physical activity and nutrition can help the LDLs and HDLs, because my Vitamin D was so low, they put me on a super pill of the that. 

The Vitamin D Rx has definitely helped and the energy I received from it, help me start getting myself where I wanted to be.  I finally had energy to start working out again!!! I have set a goal to run the half marathon Rock and Roll in Sept.  I have started with the exercise plan Couch to 5K, it has been awesome!!! I have about 2.5 wks left, I am then going to work up to the half...I feel so much better!!! As, I have progressed in distance, and become more comfortable with the workout, I have started to change my eating habits, the first thing to change, cold turkey, no more pop!!! I have been without pop for about 2 wks, except for a few sips at the movie theater with my sister, we shared a drink...It has been easier than I thought it would be.  I think part of it was mind over matter... Plus, because I stopped drinking pop, I now drink lots of water and some tea instead.  Big improvement!!

With that change set, I decided it was time to change some eating habits...I now make it a point to eat a yogurt and some kind of whole grain for breakfast.  My big change is lunch.  I have committed to getting a veggie in at lunch. Lately, I have been eating a cheese stick, some kind of meat, whole grain crackers and a veggie.  It is a great change from fast food or frozen food...It may not be the best lunch, but it is better than what I was doing.  I am also doing better for snacks, I have almonds that I snack on now, rather than sugary junk food all day.

The downfall I am having right now, I still want candy!  I have some at my desk at work and I will eat a few.  This is going to be my next goal, however, if anyone knows my upbringing you will understand that this will be my hardest challenge....I am not really sure how to stop or limit my intake more, if you have any suggestions, I am open.  And when should I feel guilty, after one piece, two, and handful?  I also wanted to see what others eat in a day.  I know what the food chart says and such, but in the environment we have, it seems that candy and sugar are readily available, so how much candy or sweets do you guys eat each day?  Should I be ashamed for my wants? 

Anyway, since I have stopped drinking pop, I originally noticed a lull in my energy, however, now I am noticing more energy than when I was inhaling it.  Anyone else?  We have also stopped with the fast food and eating out.  We have cut it down quite a bit and now it is once a week or less.  This is awesome on so many reasons and I am quite proud of us.  It is so much easier to just say "Screw it.  Let's go get something."  We are making efforts to ensure we eat at home. So, if anyone has quick healthier dinner ideas, please throw them my way. 

This seems like blathering now that I am looking at it, but I am proud to say that in the past 2 weeks with the eating adjustments, I have lost almost 4 lbs... I am excited to see where this newer path takes me...

Monday, April 2, 2012

Sometimes, I Just Don't Understand....

Today is a happy and sad day...Last year, my Mother In Law Renee joined our Savior.  She had been battling colon cancer for what seemed a long short while...I miss her! I miss talking with her, her bluntness, and her willingness to listen, even if it was a list of complaints.  Which a lot of the time, she could relate to me because she was married to Mike's Dad....Yeah.  I think of the good times we had together and I want to celebrate the Beautiful Woman that she was.  God Blessed me with a GREAT Mother In Law. 

Today is sad and happy for another reason today, it has been a sad battle of emotion.  I never had the privilege of meeting this little guy, but his smile and happiness touched me through the computer... Today us Charlie's 2nd Birthday, but instead today of celebrating with his Mom and Dad, he will celebrate his birthday in Heaven with God.  Charlie, had a lump of pretzel that lodged in his throat last year and could not get it out.  This makes me so sad.  This is also why I think that everyone should know CPR and the Heimlich. 

In remembrance

My Dad wrote this poem when my Papa passed away, and while I cry every time I read it. I find comfort in it too..

God looked around his garden,
And saw an empty space.
Then he looked down here on earth,
And saw your loving face.

He put His arms around you,
And lifted you to rest.
His garden must be beautiful,
Because he only picks the best.
A million times we'll miss you,
A million times we'll cry.
If love could have saved you,
You never would have died.

In life we loved you dearly,
In death we love you still.
In our hearts you hold a special place,
No one could ever fill.

It broke our hearts to lose you,
But you did not go alone.
For part of us went with you,
The day God took you home.
                                   Written by: Patrick Muilenburg

We love you Renee and Charlie.

Saturday, March 10, 2012


After a fun filled morning, we packed up the kiddos and took Kyli to her quarterly TEDDY (The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes) visit.  Kyli's 3 antibodies that they have been looking for tested positive the last visit.  That means her chance in developing diabetes is 1 in 50.  Anyway, we took Noah this time because they are doing a one time blood draw on family member to test for diabetes and see who is a carrier of the gene that puts Kyli at a higher risk then most youth her age.  This was Noah's first and possible only visit.  He behaved well, we just like to keep the visits calm and enjoyable for Kyli and sometimes that means without Brubra. 

Our first stop when we get there is the front desk, here they put "Magic Lotion" on that numbs the arms where they take her blood from.  This stuff is amazing and the only way that I would be apart of this study, because every visit they take blood.

Then we get to go play in the playroom until Miss Ruth comes and gets us.  On this day, we were lucky and got to go in the Dora room, one of Kyli's favorites.  We went through are usual questions, has she been sick, has her childcare changed, does she have a special diet. 

Today was a little different because Noah and I had our blood drawn too, Mike had his done last time.  I had my blood drawn first, no magic lotion for me, but Miss Ruth did it very nicely.  Next was Kyli, now ever since Kyli was born, she has had itty bitty veins.  So small that Miss Ruth calls in a experienced phelbotimist of about 20 years, Miss Michelle.  Unfortunately, today Miss Michelle was at a convention in another state and her one time back up that we have used, Miss Tricia was with Miss Michelle.  Kyli had two different nurses try this time to get her vein.  The worst part was because she was numb, they went what I call "fishing for her vein."  Now while Kyli did not feel the needle, she absolutely DESPISES the tourniquet.  Her world is over once they put that on her arm!  So, after 2 tries, one on each arm, from two nurses that have never tried Kyli's arms before.  We left with a necklace, a unicorn duckie, and a wallet, but not a drop of blood could they get from her:(  Well, not a drop except from the blood stick I did to get an A1C for her. 

Here is Miss Kyli after her first and hopefully only rough visit we have...

And our happy Mr. Noah who thought it was an easy peasy day and did not see what Kyli thought was such a BIG deal...

I really appreciate the efforts they went to to try and draw Kyli's blood, for me, it keeps me being prepared that Kyli may become diabetic.  The three antibodies they look for have been recently present and each blood draw I want to know what is going on inside her. My lesson learned, make sure our Miss Ruth and Miss Michele are there EVERY visit, otherwise I need to schedule a different day.  

Sunday, February 5, 2012


So Mike's birthday is today, Super Bowl Sunday.  He is a whole 28 years, the same as me for 4 months.  Yesterday with the help of Mike's Dad and Stepmom, Mike and I had a day to ourselves. I planned the whole day, and for being a girl, I think I planned a pretty dang good day for him. We started out a little later than I had wanted due to more snow and two driveways to shovel.

So, we finally headed out at noon and I took him to Fort Collins, we ate a Monoglian place called Hu Hott.  It was yummy.  It was similar to BD's but I think we both decided we like BD's better, probably becuase that is what we are used to.  Mike spoiled some of the plans by having a beer, but I figured we would be okay.  After we ate plenty of food, we headed out.  We passes a farm feed plant and I told him we were taking a tour of it, Mike just looked at me.  We drove just a bit further and made our first stop.  Fort Collins Brewery. 

Fort Collins Brewery is a smaller brewery, but considering, it is a decent size.  It sends beer to about 12 to 15 states.  While we waited for our tour to start, we got a smapler of their if anyone knows me, I do not drink beer, at all.  It is not an acquired taste to me, it will never be a taste I enjoy...but for Mikey's birthday, I made some due.  I treated it like a coffee tasting... They gave us cards for the 6 beers we tried and the flavors of each. Now throughout the years with Mike I have takens sips of a lot of beers.  I always smell them and Mike has always laughed, the cards with descriptions encouraged smelling the beers and getting the scents of what was in them!  Well, I sipped each of those beers, and I was once again reminded that I least like the dark beers and I hate the hoppy taste of beer!  But I finsihed the common ground beer all by myself...Miek enjoyed himself much more than I did....

This the double chocolate stout that I did not taste any chocolate in....

Finally we went on out tour, it was quite interesting.  Their bottles are made in Windsor, pretty cool. They also bragged on how the just got a few new tanks that held 150 barrels of beer at one time.  Mike and I were pretty impressed.  We left there going "WOW" that was pretty impressive and really cool.

Our next and final stop was the Anhauser Busch plant, we made it for the last tour there which was lucky for us.  We waited a few minutes and was able to do a tour with a total of 4 of us.  The first place we stopped contained the same barrels that Fort Collins Brewery had, but we realized how much more popular Bud Light was than Fort Collins is quickly.  On of the tanks for Anhauser held 4400 barrels of beer and they had 17 of these tanks!  It was amazing!!!  We went throughout the tour and each stop made us realize the difference between the two companies.
Here is one of the aisles in the fermenting area, there are some above this and another aisle.

When we were finished, we were given free samples here, we tried the new Platinum, it was not bad.  Then we tried two of which ever we wanted, well, I tried one and that was more then plenty.  Afterward, they gave us a sample of what they call a "dessert beer"  weird, I know.  It was blueberry.  It looked like grape juice and tasted like blueberry juice, but a good taste to end our beer tour adventures...

Now, we have to go to the Coors tour in Golden to compare.  Hhhhhmmmmm, I wonder what we will find there. 

Happy Birthday Michael! Hope you had as much fun as me!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Terrible Twos?!

I am not sure what is going on, but since Kyli has gotten better after having a bug last week, she has been on torrential meltdown mode...Aaaaaahhhhh!  It is awful.  Noah has an appt on Friday, I think I am going to set Kyli one up too.  No one can handle much more of this.  Where is my sweet baby girl?  I hope she is okay.  I keep asking her if her ears hurt and various other parts and she tells me no.  Noahs terrible twos were gradual, unless she is sick, this is a full blown blast of attitude in an awful way.  Someone please say that Kyli is not going headed that way and she is just having a hard time...  :(

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Finally a Christmas family photo....a good one!

The last photo we had for Christmas was when Mike was deployed and Kyli was 20ish days old.   Without Mike, it is hard to call it a family photo...

They have grown so much!!!


Gotta love when Christmas creates a Diva, well maybe nots creates, I think that had already occurred, so enhances her divaness...

Someone held Rosie...

Noah was lucky enough to have his Aunt Kim and Miss Jessie come to visit this Christmas.  While Kyli had a Teddy study, Noah went with them to the Butterfly Pavilion.  My brave boy held Rosie!! I never thought that he would hold her!  Great job little man!!