
Sunday, October 16, 2011


It is one of my favorite times of the year again!!! FALL!!! I LOVE FALL!! I miss the heat of summer, but I love the smells, the foods, and colors of fall.  It is such a beautifuk season. So to celebrate we went to the pumpkin patch!!

This was Kyli's first time mobile and she had a blast.  She took her time looking at all the pumpkins and flipping them all over to see if there was green on them.  She also had to test out their durability.

While Kyli was testing out pumpkins Noah was looking for his own pumpkin.
We found three large pumpkins and three small pumpkins.  We had a whole pumpkin family to go home with us, but before we headed out we had to get a few photos with the kids...

Overall, a great morning, we ran out of time and plan to go back another day for all the other fun stuff for the kiddos.  When naptime calls for Kyli, we do not mess around.  

1 comment:

  1. Which farm did you go to? We were at Rock Creek for a little bit on Saturday morning- it was a perfect day for it!!! :)


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